Coaching for Executive Women Struggling to Find Time for Health

Transform the myth that career success and motherhood leave no room for personal health and well-being. Our 1:1 coaching program is specifically designed to fit the lifestyle of the executive mother on the go.

Coaching Inquiry

The Journey to Vitality Begins With Accountability


The program promises substantial improvements in overall health, enhanced mental clarity, and the development of lifelong wellness habits, tailored to your individual needs.

Structured Support

Benefit from an initial in-depth onboarding call, bi-weekly private coaching sessions, direct chat support, and group coaching calls, all structured to provide consistent, supportive accountability.

Comprehensive Wellness Approach

Dr. Robbins’ method goes beyond typical health guidance, offering a Soul-Aligned Health Program that encompasses mental, emotional, and physical wellness, establishing a deeply personal health journey.

Tailored Health Transformation

Experience a 24-week one-on-one coaching journey with Dr. Sarah Robbins. Designed exclusively for entrepreneurial women, this program blends personalized mentorship with group support from a community of like-minded individuals.


The Four Lasting Health Benefits You Can Count On

A Supportive, Nurturing Community

Beyond individual coaching, join a circle of women who share your ambition, offering support and accountability on your path to well-being.

Sustainable Health for Life

It’s not just a temporary fix. Learn to cultivate habits that ensure your wellness endures, enabling you to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Elevated Energy and Clarity

Journey beyond standard health outcomes. Experience newfound vitality that sharpens your mental clarity and fuels your passion for life’s endeavors.

Empowerment Through Personalization

Your health goals are unique; that’s why Dr. Robbins’ program is tailored to fit just you. Expect a wellness plan that adapts to your lifestyle, empowering you to take control.


People Who Took Their Health Back

Found My Spark Again

Skylar K

Sarah’s emphasis on emotional health along with the physical has been transformative. I’m getting better sleep, eating smarter, and feeling like a stronger me. I’ve found joy in being healthy again.

Simple Shifts, Big Difference.

Marie N

Good health is not about hours at the gym, Sarah taught me that. Her clever nutrition swaps and 10-minute workouts have been such a game-changer!

Keeping up with my kids

Liz D

Sarah’s coaching fit perfectly into my hectic life. Her efficient strategies are a lifesaver for a busy mom like me. Feeling healthier and more energized to tackle my day!

Game-Changer for Health!

Joan M

Never realized how much sleep and stress were throwing me off my game. Sarah’s a genius. She’s got me feeling grounded and in control. Thanks for bringing the balance back, Sarah!

This pillar focuses on understanding and aligning your personal beliefs and goals with your health journey. It ensures that every aspect of your wellness plan resonates deeply with who you are.

Align your health with your deepest values and true self.

Soul Aligned Health Program

Discover a wellness journey tailored to your unique needs, encompassing stress management, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Sarah’s approach goes beyond generic solutions, creating a holistic, personalized plan that aligns with every aspect of your life.

Crafting Your Unique Path to Wellness

Personalized Wellness Roadmap

Transform your daily routine with key changes in eating habits, physical activity, sleep quality, and stress management, fostering long-lasting wellness. Together, we’ll shape a life that energizes you each morning, consistently rejuvenating your body and mind.

Build Enduring Health and Vitality

Sustainable Lifestyle Modifications

How It Works

Embrace your wellness transformation – enroll in our 1:1 coaching now.

Join the Free Vitality Community

Free Training: Five Pillars of Health

Learn about the Five Pillars of Health in this free email series from Sarah.

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